How to Find a Surrogate

How to Find a Surrogate

If you have been unable to carry a child of your own, have been unable to conceive, or are choosing surrogacy for any other reason, you will want to be sure that as you embark on your surrogacy journey, you have chosen the right surrogate for your family.

Finding a surrogate that you connect with and trust is an integral part of the surrogacy process. Continue reading to learn more about how Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc. can help you find the perfect surrogate mother for your surrogacy arrangement.

Choosing the Right Surrogate Mother

In order to choose the right surrogate mother, you will first want to be sure that any potential surrogates have met the requirements necessary for a surrogacy arrangement.

These might include, but are not limited to, the surrogate mother being of optimal age, not being a smoker or drug user, having a healthy body mass index, and having already had at least one full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

When you choose to work with Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc., you can be sure that any potential surrogate mother profiles you are given will have met each requirement. Meeting these criteria is critical to the success of a healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery for both the surrogate mother and the baby.

How Potential Surrogates Are Screened

In addition to having met the aforementioned requirements, all potential surrogates will need to submit to extensive physical examinations and be prepared to pass thorough mental health and background checks.

With this in mind, when all of the potential surrogate mother profiles are in front of you, how will you know which one is the right one for you?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer for this question, but when you are reading through possible surrogate profiles, when you find one that you connect with, you may have the opportunity to interview the surrogate to see if they are a good fit when you meet in person.

As always, Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc. staff members will be prepared to help you find a surrogate mother who will meet your needs and help you expand your family as you have been dreaming of.

Schedule Your Initial Appointment Today

To schedule your initial appointment at Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc. today, you can call our office directly at 412-281-9906 or complete the convenient contact form included when you click the contact button at the top of this page.